Monday, September 3, 2007

Anton Pann (born Antonie Pantoleon-Petroveanu, and also mentioned as Anton Pantoleon or Petrovici; 1790sNovember 2, 1854), was an Ottoman-born Wallachian composer, musicologist, and Romanian-language poet, also noted for his activities as a printer, translator, and schoolteacher. Pann was an influential folklorist and collector of proverbs, as well as a lexicographer and textbook author.

Anton Pann Biography
Pann's literary creation was noted for its reliance on a vast oral tradition, which he claimed to have codified, thus drawing comparisons to his predecessors Rabelais, Giovanni Boccaccio, and Miguel de Cervantes.


Literary works

Bazul teoretic şi practic al muzicii bisericeşti sau Gramatica melodică ("The Theoretical and Practical Basis of Church music or the Melodic Grammar")
Dialog în trei limbi, ruseşte, româneşte şi turceşte ("Dialog in Three Languages: Russian, Romanian and Turkish")
Mică gramatică muzicală teoretică şi practică ("Concise Musical Grammar, Theoretical and Practical")

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